Here are a brief description of our classes that we offer at Rising Dawn Yoga. If you have any questions we would love to hear from you. Please contact me here>
Restorative Yoga is a practice that involves active relaxation. The focus is not on the quantity of poses but rather the quality. Props are used to completely support the body and build the floor up to the student. Poses are held for 5-20 mins, allowing the body to completely relax in the pose. Restorative Yoga can be beneficial for those going through major life transitions causing stress, daily stressors, anyone recovering from an injury or illness and people in need of deep relaxation. Restorative Yoga stops the fight or flight response and activates the body’s relaxation response. (For more Information contact us here).
Yin is a therapeutic, slow, soothing, and meditative style of yoga that targets the deep connective tissues, bones, joints, fascia, and ligaments in the body. It's where we take traditional Hatha Yoga poses and couple them with the principles of Chinese Medicine to target energy meridians (as used in acupuncture) and move the subtle body’s energy (prana) through these meridians. By doing so we are able to increase circulation not just in the blood but move lymphatic fluid and synovial fluid to increase healing to different areas and bodily functions and systems. In Yin Yoga, we hold mostly passive poses for about 2-5 minutes to work into our connective tissues. The more we work our fascial system and deep tissues, the less dense and tight our bodies become as we age. Yin Yoga will hydrate fascia as well as lubricate the joints and literally help slow the aging process. For more Information Contact me here.
Chair yoga is a gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or with the aid of a chair. Chair yoga classes are for those who find a typical yoga session too challenging. It is a great form of yoga for anyone who wants to focus on a gentle practice. While once thought of as yoga for seniors aspects of Chair yoga are incorporated into many regular yoga classes, to assist those with balance issues or anyone who has trouble getting down to and up off the floor. For more Information Contact me here.
This is a flow class geared towards building heat. Poses are linked with breath and continuous movement. There is no pause between poses and the flow is moderately paced. We allow the body to move with the rhythm of your breath. So, your inhale is literally lifting you and opening you into movement, and your exhale is literally twisting you or moving you a little farther along, whatever the movement is. Register here for a Vinyasa class Want more info about Vinyasa? I’d love to talk to you. Contact me here.
This class is geared towards students who want to build heat; however, it moves much slower. In this class you will practice about half the number of poses you might practice in a traditional vinyasa flow class. The pace is meditative, emphasizing peace and calm in body and mind. Poses are held longer, taking several rounds of breath in each pose, instead of moving to each breath and there’s less continuous flowing from pose to pose. Register below for a Slow Flow class Still have questions? Just ask me!
The physical human body not only consist of bones, muscles, organs, and skin, it’s also made up of various layers of energy fields surrounding the physical body. These layers form the subtle body, which is also called the energy body. Each of us have 7 main Chakras, which can be thought of as intersections of different energy channels through which your “Prana” flows. As well, each Chakra is responsible for different behaviors and values in life, such as security, communication, compassion, and love. They’re also said to regulate various bodily systems and senses. Every Chakra is also associated with one of the Five Elements of Nature and represented by a color of the rainbow. If energy is blocked in one of the Chakras – due to bad habits or inhibiting environmental factors – this can result in emotional, mental, or even physical imbalances. These, in turn, may even become apparent in symptoms like anxiety, lethargy, digestive or other health issues. These yoga classes are specifically aimed at unblocking the Chakras so that the energy (prana) can move freely through the body. This practice can include specific asanas, Pranayama, mudra, and meditation practices to purify and balance either all the Chakras or target those that need to be restored.
Meditation, the essential yoga practice, brings us into the present moment. Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not be overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. Through a consistent Meditation practice, you will learn how to become a conscious observer to your mind and in time, free yourself from the racing thoughts and anxious narrative within your mind. You will become familiar with the time-tested, relaxing, and restorative qualities of Meditation. We'll explore how meditation helps lower stress levels, focus the mind, and be more balanced and healthier so you can be your best self. Science has proven that Meditation can strengthen the immune system, increase heart health, reduce high blood pressure, slow biological aging, strengthen coping skills, sleep better, manage chronic pain, heal more quickly, and achieve a greater sense of overall well-being. Noted Vietnamese Buddhist monk and Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh says this: “If you think that peace and happiness are somewhere else and you run after them, you will never arrive. It is only when you realize that peace and happiness are available here in the present moment that you will be able to relax. In daily life, there is so much to do and so little time. You may feel pressured to run all the time. Just stop! Touch the ground of the present moment deeply, and you will touch real peace and joy.” Let me help you find peace and equanimity in your busy life. Anyone can do a mindfulness meditation practice. There are no barriers. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your physical ability is. Just join me and explore the present moment. Register here for a meditation class below, Interested in learning meditation in a private one on one setting Contact me here.
Ayurveda (eye-yer-vay-duh) is the sister science to Yoga. It is known worldwide as a leading alternative medicine. Ayurveda is a nature-based personalized approach to health and understanding of your unique mind-body type otherwise known as your Dosha type. Ayurveda focuses on prevention of disease & the preservation of health by establishing harmony & balance through diet/nutrition, yoga/exercise, meditation, natural therapies & a daily routine to help achieve and maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle. Ayurveda uses remedies that are all-natural and treat the root cause of the disease, rather than just the symptoms. I will help you discover your dosha type and guide you through basic yoga poses to support your body’s constitution as well as offer some dietary guidelines and recipes to get you started on your path to wellness. Register below for Intro to Ayurveda. Looking for a personal one on one consultation Contact me here
Don’t worry if you are unsure of how to take your first steps towards yoga. I’m here to help you become a yogi! Absolute Beginner 5 Week Series. Yoga has so many benefits: relieving stress, lowering blood pressure, creating a sense of balance and well-being in the body and one’s life, building strength, increasing flexibility, and more. Why not try it? This series of classes is designed for the absolute beginner. Starting with the basic “Yoga lingo” I will introduce you to Yoga postures and breathing techniques systematically taught creating a foundation for good alignment and form. Yoga philosophy and meditation will be introduced but my favorite part about teaching this series is YOU the student drives the flow of the class through your questions, comments & experiences. These classes are fun, light and judgment free. When you complete this series, you will be ready to step into any class and feel comfortable being there as the Yogi you are! Register below to begin your Yoga 101 series Still unsure, please contact me here. I am always available to put your mind at ease.
Adaptive Yoga is designed for any student living with a disability whether it be paralysis, amputees, or mental health challenges. This type of Yoga emphasizes the experience within poses, not simply their physical accomplishments. Dynamic awareness moves through the mind-body relationship both with and without muscular action. Contact me here to learn more about Adaptive Yoga Classes
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Thich Nhat Hanh
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