I began my yoga journey as a teen suffering with severe anxiety, panic attacks and being diagnosed with panic disorder that caused me to become agoraphobic, basically too afraid to leave the house. Struggling to get through each day while being heavily medicated and watching my high school experience get reduced to home tutoring, I realized there had to be a better path to overcoming this debilitating existence. With the help of a wonderful mentor, I studied meditation and pranayama. Within months I was off all my medications, managing my anxiety attacks and controlling my symptoms through my meditation practice alone.
Embracing the Yoga lifestyle, I learned to look within and rediscover who I was beyond my mind and body. Learned to transcend the racing thoughts and become a conscious observer of them. Within that space I awakened to a whole new peaceful existence, empowered to live a life true to who “I am”.
Like many of you my path has had many ups, downs, twists and turns. I’ve weathered some extensive health issues, a complicated pregnancy, changed careers and been through divorce. Keeping a consistent Yoga practice has been my solitude and kept me grounded every step of the way.
I decided my personal story and passion for yoga could help others heal themselves too. I completed my E- RYT 200 teacher certification and CMT-200hr from the Yoga & Ayurveda Center in Pennsylvania. Then continued my education with certifications in Yin Yoga, Chair Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda. I am a current member and maintain my certified teacher registration through both Yoga Alliance and Meditation Alliance International. I have attended workshops in Adaptive Yoga to expand my teaching to disabled individuals as well as workshops in Yin Yoga and Kundalini Yoga to gain a proper understanding of how to release and move energy within our meridians and chakra system.
I follow a healthy holistic lifestyle that includes an Ayurvedic organic diet, exercise, acupuncture, and essential oils. My personal practice is deeply rooted in connecting with Mother Earth, universal energy, gratitude, and mindfulness.
I offer a teaching style that is inclusive to everyone, incorporating props and/or modifications where needed and I believe strongly that yoga is for every "body". As a teacher I encourage my students to discover their true self and look within to find their inner light. You will often hear me say, “I believe that the greatest love is the love we find within ourselves”. My classes are a judgement free zone. I embrace every student with love, compassion and respect.
Yoga is much more than just muscular movement exercise. It is a way of life which brings clarity and allows us all to stop, look deeply inside of our hearts and follow the path which serves us the best. I have learned how to take jarring emotions such as fear, anxiety and doubt into my hands and transform them into lightness by means of compassion. I learned what it takes to really sit down with yourself, to embrace every part of your being, even if it’s a part that you’re particularly not fond of. This is where your journey to healing begins.
I’ve never lost site of the fact that I was blessed to have some amazing teachers partner with me along my journey. Without them I never would have made it here.
This is where I step into your path.
Let me be your partner on your wellness journey
Replace the “I” with “We” and suddenly Illness becomes Wellness!
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